widgets Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for widgets:


file  CollapsibleTreeHeader.h [code]
 Provides a header for tree widgets with an additional expand/collapse button in the first column.
file  FlowLayout.h [code]
 Layout, where the items are first laid out horizontally and then vertically when each line in the layout runs out of space.
file  GuiWidgetsExports.h [code]
 GUI export macro declaration.
file  ImgWidget.h [code]
 A widget that visualizes an Img.
file  LineEditClear.h [code]
 Provides a QLineEdit widget that has a small button on its right side for clearing the content.
file  LineEditTextFormat.h [code]
 TODO Add description.
file  MultiInputDialog.h [code]
 Dialog with configurable amount of input fields.
file  OgreUtils.h [code]
 Declaration of helper functions for converting from and to Ogre.
file  OgreWidget.h [code]
 Declaration of OgreWidget and related classes.
file  OgreWidgetEx.h [code]
 Extended more advanced derived class of OgreWidget.
file  PoseLineEdit.h [code]
 A widget that allows compact editing of a Pose2.
file  PropertyEditor.h [code]
 Declaration of PropertyEditor.
file  QConsole.h [code]
file  QtUtils.h [code]
 Declaration of helper functions related to Qt.
file  ScrollView.h [code]
 A abstract base class for scroll views.
file  SelectionListDialog.h [code]
 Contains the SelectionListDialog widget, a widget for providing the user a dialog where he/she can choose items from a list, where the items are grouped in categories.
file  SignalBinder.h [code]
 Class that allows to bind a function to a Qt slot that is called upon a connected signal.
file  SingleSelectionListDialog.h [code]
 Contains the SingleSelectionListDialog widget, a widget for providing the user a dialog where he/she can choose a single item from a list, where the items are grouped in categories.
file  SpinBoxDelegate.h [code]
 Delegate that requires double values and provides a spin box as editor.
file  SplashScreen.h [code]
 Declaration of SplashScreen.
file  TextEditAutoCompletion.h [code]
 TextEdit that supports auto completion like QLineEdit or QComboBox.
file  TreeViewFilter.h [code]
 Filter widget containing an line edit that filters the elements of an assigned TreeView.