Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CReflectCallHelper< Reflector >::__NoReflectBarrier
 CReflectCallHelper< Reflector >::__ReflectBarrier
 CSplitReflectMemberHelper< Reflector >::__reflectRead
 CSplitReflectMemberHelper< Reflector >::__reflectWrite
 CAbstractDeferredInvokerAbstract interface for DeferredInvoker which is a class to support different RPC backends
 CAbstractInterfaceCallbackHandlerAbstract interface for derived handler(s)
 CAbstractRPCClientAbstract interface for RPCClient
 CAbstractRPCHandlerAbstract interface for derived RPCHandler(s)
 CAbstractTransformerNodeAbstract base class where all other different types of transformation nodes must be derived from
 CAcceptDesiredVersionTag class used as parameter to ReflectorInterface::version() etc
 CAccessorGetterPart< T >Implements the "getter part" of an Accessor
 CAccessorGetterPart< Getter >
 CAccessorGetterPart< Getter< T > >
 CAccessorGetterPartInternalRedirect< T >This class is used as additional reflection redirect
 CAccessorGetterPartInternalRedirect< Getter >
 CAccessorSetterPart< T >Implements the "setter part" of an Accessor
 CAccessorSetterPart< NullSetter< T > >
 CAccessorSetterPart< Setter >
 CAccessorSetterPart< Setter< T > >
 CAESConfigurationThe AES configuration for encryption and decryption
 CCreateUsing< Alloc >::Allocator< T >
 CAngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived >Base class template for derived Angle implementations
 CAngleBase< float, Private::DegreeUnitTag, Degree< float > >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::DegreeUnitTag, Degree< T > >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::DegreeUnitTag, Derived >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::DegreeUnitTag, SignedDegree< T > >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::RadianUnitTag, Angle< T > >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::RadianUnitTag, Derived >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::RadianUnitTag, Radian< T > >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::RadianUnitTag, SignedAngle< T > >
 CAngleBase< T, Private::RadianUnitTag, SignedRadian< T > >
 CSerializer< Derived >::AObjectIs used to store the type and the address of all previously serialized objects in a map
 CArgumentTuple< ARGS >
 CXMLDom::attribute_iteratorIterator for iterating over attributes
 CAuthorityDescriptionThis is the descriptive part of an authority
 CAuthorityManagerCentral instance that stores all created Authorities
 CAuthorityRuntimeThis class contains threading functionality that can be shared among different authorities so that all of them use the same thread (dispatcher thread)
 CRemoteModule::AuthSettingsContains the authentication settings
 CAutoCountingEnum< T, CountType, UseMutex >
 CAutoCountingHelper< T, CountType, UseMutex >
 CAutoCountingHelper< T, CountType, true >
 CAxesCovObjectVisualization of covariances for AxesObject
 CGeneralBresenhamLineIteratorCommonBase::AxisBaseData structure containing the numtype-independent relevant variables for one axis (dimension) of the line
 CSerialPort::BaudrateAn internal class for handling the baudrate
 CBinaryBufferStreamBaseAlthough this class is not a template we must keep its methods inline for performance reasons! write() and read() are called very often!
 CBinaryIosBaseHelper class that is a base for binaryostream and binaryistream in the same way as ios_base is a base of ostream and istream
 CBinaryRPCBackendTempl< BinaryFormatVersion >
Provides binary client and server side requests and responses
 CBinarySerializerMixinUsed by BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer
 CBinarySerializerTagSerializer that uses BinaryOstream to serialize the objects in binary format
 CBresenhamLineIteratorImplements an iterator that is able to iterate over a Bresenham line point by point using the prefix ++operator and –operator
 CBuffer< T, Alloc >Generic buffer class that can be used as a replacement for std::vector whenever copying and reallocation of internal array buffer needs to be avoided
 CBuffer< uint8 >
 CCallStackEncapsulates unix call stack functionality
 CDistanceLUT::CellDistA struct to store the minimal and maximal distance of the cell towards the center point
 CTransformerBase::ChainRepresents a chain or path through the transformation tree from a staring node to the target node containing nodes whose transforms need to be applied inverse and nodes whose transforms need to be applied forward
 CChannel< T >An exception that occurs whenever a channel has no data
 CChannel< float >
 CChannel< type0 >
 CChannel< void >
 CChannelBufferPromoter< U * >Specialization of ChannelBufferPromoter for polymorphic pointer channel buffers
 CChannelBufferPromoterCommon< U >Forward decl
 CChannelContentChange< T >Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback when the content of the channel changes
 CChannelHysteresis< T >Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback when the state of the hysteresis trigger changes
 CChannelManager::ChannelInfoInformations about a channel that also provides ordering of channels by id
 CTape::ChannelInfoInformation about a channel in a tape
 CChannelInterval< T >Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback in a specified interval
 CChannelManagerAn exception that occurred whenever a channel does not exist
 CChannelPropertyBaseBase class for ChannelProperty template class
 CChannelPropertyProxyProxy class that is returned/set by the getter and setter methods of ChannelProperty
 CChannelReadInterval< T >An object that allows read access to a whole interval of channel data
 CChannelReadWriteCommonBase< Derived >
 CChannelReadWriteCommonBase< ChannelRead< T > >
 CChannelReadWriteCommonBase< ChannelRead< type0 > >
 CChannelReadWriteCommonBase< ChannelWrite< T > >
 CChannelReadWriteShared< DerivedContainer >Internally used by ChannelReadWriteBase! It contains the information about the channel and slot that can be shared between different ChannelRead/Write objects
 CChannelReadWriteTraits< ConcreteChannelReadWrite >
 CChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelRead< T > >
 CChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelRead< void > >
 CChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelWrite< T > >
 CChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelWrite< void > >
 CChannelReadWriteTraits< DerivedContainer >
 CChannelVectorSynchronizer1< type0 >Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to more than one channel to only get a callback when all channels have data with a similar timestamp (differ only in the specified tolerance)
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ChooseReflect< T >Detect the members type (A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,C) and choose the appropriate struct ReflectAtomic, etc
 CCircle< T >Represents a circle with a center and a radius
 CClassClass object which supports some kind of class reflection
 CClassProxyThe class proxy assures that the pointer to the class object is always valid
 CBinaryRPCBackendTempl< BinaryFormatVersion >::ClientRequestBinary client-side request
 CJSONRPCBackend::ClientRequestJSON client-side request
 CBinaryRPCBackendTempl< BinaryFormatVersion >::ClientResponseBinary client-side response
 CJSONRPCBackend::ClientResponseJSON client-side response
 CColormapPropertyA special property class that can be used as member, if you want to provide a ComboBox where the user is able to select the available and registered color colormaps
 CCompoundMetaMeta information for complex compounds, like classes and structs
 CConcreteChannel< T >
 CConcreteChannel< float >
 CConcreteChannel< type0 >
 CConcreteChannel< void >
 CConfigurationLoaderClass for loading, parsing, modifying and interpreting application configuration files
 CXMLDom::const_attribute_iteratorConst iterator for iterating over attributes
 CXMLDom::const_data_iterator< Type >Const iterator for iterating over data nodes
 CChannelReadInterval< T >::const_iteratorConst iterator for iterating over the interval
 CCreateStatic< T >Implementation of the CreationPolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CCreateUsing< Alloc >Implementation of the CreationPolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CCreateUsingNew< T >Implementation of the CreationPolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CIncrementalMoments< T, 1, 1 >::Ctx
 CIncrementalMoments< T, D, 1 >::Ctx
 CLogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilterBaseAbstract base class for custom filters
 CLogCustomizableFormatter::CustomFormatBaseAbstract base class for all CustomFormats
 CXMLDom::data_iterator< Type >Iterator for iterating over data nodes
 CVisualization::DataConnectionThe data structure that is returned by getDataConnection
 CDeferredInvokerFinishHandlerHandler that is called when a deferred RPC call was executed and finished and therefore when the response is available
 CDeg2RadNonNegativeTypeA tag type used as parameter type in deg2radSetter, signalling that negative values are not permitted
 CDelegate public Object
 CDeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, BinaryVersionFormat >Used by BinaryDeserializer, see SerializerFormatMixin above
 CDeserializerFormatMixin01Base< Deserializer, BinaryStream >
 CDeserializerFormatMixin01Base< ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStream, 0 >, BinaryStream >
 CDeserializerFormatMixin01Base< ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStream, 1 >, BinaryStream >
 CDeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryBufferIstream, BinaryFormatVersion >
 CDeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 2 >
 CDeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, BinaryFormatVersion >
 CDiagnosticsModuleBase class for modules that want to use diagnostics and set the current status
 CDiscoverServiceService that is used to discover other running frameworks in the same network using multicast on
 CDispatcherThreadClass that can be used whenever you want to have ONE thread where several handlers are assigned to
 CEigenFormatBase class for formatting eigen matrices
 CProcess::EnvironmentHolds the environment variables that can be passed to a process
 CErrorService::ErrorError informations
 CErrorServiceClass that allows to store errors persistently in a SQLite database
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExtEnum_RemoveBrackets< typename >
 CExtEnum_RemoveBrackets< void(T)>
 CTape::FileInfoInformation about a tape file
 CBinarySerializerCodec::FourccA four-character code that is used to identify data formats and codecs
 CFrameworkGraphMixin< C, void >
 CFrameworkMessageHeaderData that is sent as header in each message between remote frameworks
 CFrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, Filter >
 CFrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolator >
 CFrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorExtrapolationLimit >
 CFrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorNearestNeighbourExtrapolator >
 CFrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorNoExtrapolation >
 CFrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, NearestNeighborInterpolator >
 CFrameworkTransformWriteAccessor< Transform >
 CFromHex< T >Can be used with fromString to convert hex strings into numbers
 CFromOct< T >Can be used with fromString to convert oct strings into numbers
 CFunctionTraits< F, Enable >
 CFunctionTraits< F >
 CFunctionTraits< F, typename std::enable_if< Private::HasParenthesis< F >::value >::type >
 CFunctionTraits< R()>
 CFunctionTraits< R(Args...)>
 CGetter< T >Holds a boost::function object to a special getter function that must meet the signature "T method()"
 CHasAssignHelper< T, U >
 CHasParenthesis< T >
 CTape::HeaderHeader containing type and size of the following packet
 CIAdaptableAn interface for an adaptable object
 CIAuthorityProviderAbstract interface for classes that can provide an authority via the getAuthority() method
 CIFrameworkTransformer< Derived >IFrameworkTransformer defines RPC methods provided by FrameworkTransformer
 CIFrameworkTransformer< FrameworkTransformer >
 CIgnoreMissingMarker for indicating parameters that should be ignored if they are missing in the config file
 CImgBase< TImg >ImgBase class
 CImgBase< Img< T, 1 > >
 CImgBase< Img< T, TChannels > >
 CImgBase< Img< void, 1 > >
 CImgBase< TImg >::ImgFormatImage storage format description (used e.g
 CImgPixelBase< T, Channels >Base interface for ImgPixel classes This class wraps typed cv::Vect to represent an ImagePixel The Vect is typed by template parameter T and channels are set by template parameter Channels
 CImgPixelBase< T, 1 >
 CImgPixelBase< T, 2 >
 CImgPixelBase< T, 3 >
 CImgPixelBase< T, 4 >
 CImgWidget::IMouseListenerThe mouse listener interface that can be implemented to react on user interaction
 CIncrementalMoments< T, D, Order >Incremental computation of one- and higher-dimensional statistical moments of first and higher orders (mean and variance, etc.)
 CIncrementalMoments< T, 1, 1 >
 CIncrementalMoments< T, D, 1 >
 CIndexSelectorPropertyBaseBase for template class IndexSelectorProperty
 CException::InfoThe info packet that is added in MIRA_THROW and MIRA_RETHROW
 CInteractionListener3DListener for mouse events on movable objects in a 3D view
 CIntervalFilterConcept and base class for all Interpolators and Filters
 CIntSignalStructure used in signal handlers to pass the signal and callstack
 Cios_baseSTL class
 CIOServiceWrapper class for boost::asio::io_service
 CIsDefaultConstructible< T >IsDefaultConstructible<T>::value evaluates to true, if T is default constructible, otherwise false
 CColormap::iteratorIterator that can iterate over the whole color colormap similar to STL iterators on containers
 CTapeVisitor::iteratorIterator to iterate over all messages in all tapes visited by the visitor
 CXMLDom::iterator_baseBase iterator for iterating over xml nodes with the same parent (siblings)
 CIteratorRangeContainer< Iterator >Wraps an STL conform container around a range of values within another container
 CIVisualizationSiteThe primary interface between a Visualization and the container of the visualization (e.g
 CIWorkbenchPartSiteThe primary interface between a workbench part and the workbench
 CJSONRPCBackendProvides JSON client and server side requests and responses
 CJSONRPCResponseWraps a JSON RPC call response
 CKnownFrameworkInformation and settings for a known remote framework
 CLine< T, D >Represents a line segment that is spanned by two given points
 CLockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, false, true >
 CLogFilterBaseAbstract base class for log filters
 CLogFormatterBaseAbstract base class for sink formatters
 CLogRecordHolds all the information about a log entry
 CLogRecordFunctionInfoHolds information about a log entry function
 CLogSinkAbstract base class for all log sinks
 CLogTimerClass that can be used as a stop watch to measure execution time of operations
 CMakeStringClass for in-place stream formatting Used for constructs like:
 CManifestAgentClass for managing manifest files
 CManifestClassInfoSimple class encapsulation parent and class information stored in a "real" class object
 Cmap< K, T >STL class
 CCompoundMeta::MemberA single member of the compound
 CMemberInvoker< MemFn, Class >
 CMemoryBlockInfoDetailed information of used memory within a memory block
 CMemoryUsageMemory usage information in kB
 CMeshFactory::MeshFormatInfoProvides information for each format including a human readable description (e.g
 CTape::MessageStruct for message data in a tape
 CTape::MessageBlockStruct for a message block in a tape
 CTape::MessageIndexIndex entry for a message in the tape
 CTapeVisitor::MessageInfoInfo about a message entry in a tape
 CTapeVisitor::MessageInstanceInstance of a message from a tape
 CRPCServer::MethodInfoContains information on an existing RPC method: the signature of the method, comments, etc
 CMethodMetaMeta information for RPC methods
 CMulticastSenderThis class acts as a sender for multicast messages
 CMutexLockImplementation of the LockPolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CNameRegistryStores aliases for namespaces and allows to resolve local names to global fully qualified names
 CXMLDom::NameSpaceNamespace information of a node
 CNetworkTypeTrait< T >Trait that specifies the conversion type of a given data type
 CNetworkTypeTrait< double >Specialization for double
 CNetworkTypeTrait< float >Specialization for float
 CNoDestroyLifetime< T >Implementation of the LifetimePolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CNoLockImplementation of the LockPolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CNormalLifetime< T >Implementation of the LifetimePolicy that is used by the Singleton template
 CNoValueEnum< T >
 CNullSetter< T >"Null-Setter" tag-class where the AccessorSetterPart does nothing
 CNumericalIstreamNumerical stream adapter that can be assigned to any input stream and allows streaming of numerical values
 CNumericalOstreamNumerical stream adapter that can be assigned to any output stream and allows streaming of numerical values
 CObjectThe object class acts as a generic base class for classes which should be used with the classFactory
 CRPCServer::ParameterInfoContains information on an RPC method's parameter: name, description
 CRPCClient::PendingResponseBaseInterface for PendingResponse
 Cplaceholder_template< int >
 CPoseVectorTrait< TPose >Typetrait that returns the correct vector type, that depends on whether the Eigen-datatypes of the pose need an alignment or not
 CPoseVectorTrait< Pose3 >
 CPoseVectorTrait< PoseCov3 >
 CPowerComputer< T, N >
 CPowerComputer< T, 0 >
 CPowerComputer< T, 1 >
 Cpriority_queue< T >STL class
 CPropertyHintA property hint gives optional instructions to the property editor, i.e
 CPropertyManagerThe property manager maintains the properties of objects that are added to the manager
 CPropertyQueryResultA structure used for returning the complete result of a (remote) property query, including potential info about a thrown exception
 CPropertyTreeHelper class that is able to hold a complete property tree structure
 CPseudoClassThis is an auxiliary to enable more verbose exception messages
 CQueryNumberResultA struct used for return value of getNumberElementIfExists()
 CQueryValueResultA struct used for return value of getElementIfExists()
 CRandomGenerator< Distribution, Engine >Template class to easily generate random generators using the boost::random distributions and generators
 CRandomGenerator< detail::UniformRandomDistributionChooser< T >::type >
 CRandomGenerator< NormalRandomDistribution< D, T > >
 CRasterTransformationMap a rectangular area from one raster into another, with an arbitrary transformation (scale, translation, rotation) inbetween
 CReadMapPairHelper< Derived, key_type, value_type >
 CRecordedChannelInfoContains all settings for a recorded channel like compression, codecs,..
 CRectBase< T, D, Derived >The base class for rectangles
 CRectBase< double, D, Rect< double, D > >
 CRectBase< float, D, Rect< float, D > >
 CRectBase< int, D, Rect< int, D > >
 CRectBase< T, 2, Rect< T, 2 > >
 CRectBase< T, 3, Rect< T, 3 > >
 CRectBase< T, D, Rect< T, D > >
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectArrayType A3: for arrays
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectAtomicType A1: for atomic members (float,int,etc.)
 CReflectCallHelper< Reflector >
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectCollectionType B?c: for collection types
 CReflectCollectionCount< Reflector, Collection >Can be specialized for a concrete derived RecursiveMemberReflector to reflect the size of collections like vectors, arrays, lists, maps, etc
 CReflectCollectionCount< JSONDeserializer, Collection >Specialization for JSONDeserializer which counts the item nodes in the parent node to recover the item count, which is much more user friendly, since the user does not need to provide the count himself
 CReflectCollectionCount< JSONDeserializer, std::map< std::string, mapped_type > >
 CReflectCollectionCount< JSONSerializer, Collection >Specialization for JSONSerializer which does not write the item count explicitly
 CReflectCollectionItems< Reflector, Container >Can be specialized for a concrete derived RecursiveMemberReflector to reflect the items of collections like vectors, arrays, lists, maps, etc
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectComplexType B1/B2: for complex types
 CAbstractReflector< Derived >::ReflectComplexIntrusiveFor classes with reflect method call their reflect method directly
 CAbstractReflector< Derived >::ReflectComplexNonintrusiveFor classes without reflect method, where we need to look somewhere else to get the information for visiting it
 CReflectedAsPointer< T, Reflector >For internal use only: Holds value=true, if the type T is ever reflected as pointer with Reflector within this translation unit (C file), otherwise false
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectEnumerationType A2: for enums
 CReflectMemberMetaStores meta information for each member
 CAbstractReflector< Derived >::ReflectMissing
 CReflectorInterface< Derived >This is the public interface of all reflectors that are able to visit a class' reflect() method
 CReflectorInterface< ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, BinaryFormatVersion > >
 CReflectorInterface< ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStream, BinaryFormatVersion > >
 CReflectorInterface< ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStream, BinaryFormatVersion, Buffered > >
 CReflectorInterface< ConcreteBinarySerializer< mira::BinaryOstream, BinaryFormatVersion, false > >
 CReflectorInterface< DefaultInitializer >
 CReflectorInterface< JSONDeserializer >
 CReflectorInterface< JSONSerializer >
 CReflectorInterface< MetaSerializer >
 CReflectorInterface< PropertySerializer >
 CReflectorInterface< RPCReflector >
 CReflectorInterface< XMLDeserializer >
 CReflectorInterface< XMLSerializer >
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectPointerType C: for members that are pointers
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectPointerAbstractType C3: for members that are pointers to abstract classes not derived from mira::Object
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectPointerNormalType C1: for members that are pointers to normal classes
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectPointerPolymorphicType C2: for members that are pointers to polymorphic classes derived from mira::Object
 CReflectReadMap< Reflector, Container >Reflects generic associative containers like map, multimap, hash_map
 CReflectReadMapItems< Reflector, Container >
 CReflectReadMapItems< JSONSerializer, std::map< std::string, mapped_type > >
 CReflectReadSeq< Reflector, Container >Reflects generic sequential containers like vectors, list, deque (Read Only / Serialization)
 CReflectReadSet< Reflector, Container >Reflects generic set containers like set, multiset
 CReflectReadSetItems< Reflector, Container >
 CReflectorInterface< Derived >::ReflectStateIf 'reflect barriers' are used, each separated reflection block within an object has a separate state (defined by the Reflector)
 CRecursiveMemberReflectorBase< Derived >::ReflectUnknown
 CReflectWriteMap< Reflector, Container >Reflects generic associative containers like map, multimap, hash_map
 CReflectWriteMapItems< Reflector, Container >
 CReflectWriteMapItems< JSONDeserializer, std::map< std::string, mapped_type > >
 CReflectWriteSeq< Reflector, Container >Reflects generic sequencial containers like vectors, list, deque (Write Only / Deserialization)
 CReflectWriteSet< Reflector, Container >Deserializes generic set containers like set, multiset
 CReflectWriteSetItems< Reflector, Container >
 CDistanceLUT::RegionProvides a view on a portion of the Distance LUT and can be obtained by calling DistanceLUT::getRegion()
 CRegistrar< TRegistrar >A template class that creates a static instance of TRegistrar
 CRemoteConnectionPoolOwner of every RemoteConnection
 CRPCManager::RemoteFinishHandlerHandler that must be implemented by the remote module to send RPC responses to a remote server which sent a previous RPC request
 CRemoteModuleManages connections to other remote frameworks
 CRPCManager::RemoteRequestHandlerHandler that must be implemented by the remote module to send RPC requests to a remote server
 CRemoteServerServer class handling incoming connections from remote frameworks
 CResourceNameClass for storing/combining/managing resource names consisting of namespaces and names separated by '/' Resource names can be combined and normalized
 CRigidTransform< T, D >This class represents an affine transformation that supports a translation followed by a rotation (a so called rigid transform)
 CRigidTransform< float, 2 >
 CRigidTransform< float, 3 >
 CRigidTransform< float, D >
 CRigidTransformBase< T, D, TRotation, TransformDerived >Implementation of RigidTransforms with different dimensionality D
 CRigidTransformBase< T, 2, Eigen::Rotation2D< T >, RigidTransform< T, 2 > >
 CRigidTransformBase< T, 3, Eigen::Quaternion< T >, RigidTransform< T, 3 > >
 CRPCCallDefinitionStores info required to call an RPC method - service name, method name, arguments
 CRPCInvokeHelper< R >
 CRPCInvokeHelper< void >
 CRPCInvokerBase of all TRPCInvoker classes which are templates to support different RPC backends
 CRPCServerThe RPCServer is responsible for handling the server-side of an rpc call
 CRPCSignatureStores the signature of an RPC method including the methods name and its parameter types
 CRSAKeyDefinition of a RSA key (public or private)
 CRSASignatureA class for signing and verifying messages using a RSA key pair
 CAuthority::RWAccessFlagsChannel access flags
 CSchmittTriggerHysteresis< T >Class realizing a Schmitt trigger
 CSerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, BinaryFormatVersion, Buffered, StreamType >Used by BinarySerializer, defines the binary format in particular for class versioning information: 0 = version numbers are stored inline in binary data when version() is called; 1 = same as version 0, except that version 1 (as all following versions) explicitly stores version number at the beginning of serialized data; 2 = the positions in binary data are fixed where each object part stores its version number (or a placeholder if not versioned [yet]!)
 CSerializerFormatMixin01Base< Serializer, StreamType >
 CSerializerFormatMixin01Base< ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStream, 0, Buffered >, StreamType >
 CSerializerFormatMixin01Base< ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStream, 1, Buffered >, StreamType >
 CSerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 2, Buffered, StreamType >
 CSerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, BinaryFormatVersion, Buffered, StreamAccessMixin< BinaryStream, Buffered >::StreamType >
 CSerializerFormatMixin< mira::BinaryOstream, BinaryFormatVersion, false, StreamAccessMixin< mira::BinaryOstream, false >::StreamType >
 CSerialPortThis class acts as a wrapper to boost::asio::serial_port
 CJSONRPCBackend::ServerRequestJSON server-side request
 CBinaryRPCBackendTempl< BinaryFormatVersion >::ServerRequestBinary server-side request
 CBinaryRPCBackendTempl< BinaryFormatVersion >::ServerResponseBinary server-side response
 CJSONRPCBackend::ServerResponseJSON server-side response
 CServiceCall< typename >
 CServiceCall< Ret(ARGS...)>A ServiceCall is a proxy for a specific method of a specific service, providing a functor-like interface to that method, and encapsulation for checking the availability of the service and method (name, signature)
 CRPCServer::ServiceInfo< TMethodSet >Contains all available information about a single RPC service, including the service' name, its registered methods and all implemented RPC interfaces
 CServiceLevelBaseQoS management information for channels
 CServicePropertyUse this class instead of a string property whenever your module has a service as property
 Cset< K >STL class
 CSetReflectedAsPointer< T, Reflector >
 CSetter< T >Holds a boost::function object to a special setter function that must meet the signature "void method(T)"
 CSharedAuthorityA wrapper providing locked/shared access to an AbstractAuthority pointer (used by AuthorityManager::getAuthority()) The lifetime of the AbstractAuthority object the pointer points to is ensured as long as one wrapper instance exists that wraps the same AbstractAuthority pointer
 CSharedLibraryLoaderClass for loading multiple shared libraries
 CSpinlockA spinlock is similar to a mutex and allows thread synchronization of critical sections
 CSplitReflectMemberHelper< Reflector >
 CSQLiteCachedQueryA cached SQLite query object that supports serialization
 CSQLiteQueryClass representing a result of a SQLite database query
 CStampedDataQueue< T >Implements a queue where Stamped data can be added
 CStampedDataQueue< StorageTransform >
 CStampedHeaderThe common header for all stamped data
 CStatusStatus entry class
 CStatusManagerManages the status of one or multiple modules inheriting from DiagnosticsModule
 CStreamAccessMixinBase< BinaryStream >Base for buffered/unbuffered stream access
 CStreamAccessMixinBase< mira::BinaryOstream >
 CCallStack::SymbolContains all information of a single function symbol in the call stack
 CReflectorInterface< Derived >::Tag
 CTapeA tape is a binary file that contains recorded/serialized data of one or multiple channels
 CTapePlayerClass for playing back tape files
 CTapeRecorderClass for recording channel data to tape
 CTapeRecorderConfigA config that can be passed to the TapeRecorder which contains all settings that should be used for recording
 CTapeVisitorVisitor class to inspect tapes by channels and/or time interval
 CThreadMonitor::ThreadInfoA thread information type
 CToHex< T >Can be used with toString to convert values to their string hex representation
 CToOct< T >Can be used with toString to convert values to their string oct representation
 CTPower< base, exponent >Computes the power base^exponent at compile time
 CTPower< base, 0 >
 CTransformDescDescribes a path of transformations through the transformation tree
 CTransformerBaseBase class for Transformer to decouple base functionality that is type independent from type dependent Transformer class template
 CTransformPropertyUse this class instead of a string property whenever your module has a transform frame as property
 CTypedVoidConstPtrSame as TypedVoidPtr but const
 CTypedVoidPtrClass that allows to maintain type-safety when passing void pointers
 CMetaSerializer::TypeWithoutObjectAbstractHelper< T, bool >
 CMetaSerializer::TypeWithoutObjectAbstractHelper< T *, true >
 CMetaSerializer::TypeWithoutObjectAbstractHelper< T, true >
 CMetaSerializer::TypeWithoutObjectHelper< T, bool >
 CMetaSerializer::TypeWithoutObjectHelper< T *, true >
 CMetaSerializer::TypeWithoutObjectHelper< T, true >
 CUnitManagerClass managing micro units and units
 Cvector< T >STL class
 CMutexLock::Volatile< T >
 CNoLock::Volatile< T >
 CWriteMapPairHelper< Derived, Container >
 CXMLDomPreprocessorPreprocesses XML documents and resolves all special tags like , <if>, <warning> and so on
 CXMLSerializerTagSerializer for serializing objects in XML format
 CXMLVariableValueVariables defined in xml documents
 CDispatcherThread::XUnrecoverableFailureException that can be thrown in every handler to indicate an unrecoverable failure