MIRAenvironment-1.7.0: - Updated mira-installer-binary.sh and some documentation - Added some -DBOOST_{lib}_NO_LIB to be able to use the PCHs on newer systems - Updated mira-installer-binary.sh to allow non-interactive usage - Updated minimum cmake version to 3.10 - Updated minimum gcc version to 7.5 MIRABase-1.17.0: - ProgramOptions: - added public static method createOptionsDescription() - default '--help' option can optionally be created in a subcategory, e.g. 'Help' - added noexcept declarations to all move constructors/move assign operators - added ExceptionCallStackSize singleton, replacing fixed definitions for exceptions' stored callstack - XMLDomPreprocessor: variable 'filePath' resolves correctly in files included from xml with no URI - fixed thread-safety of binary-to-JSON conversion - reflectors use special name '@value' for internally defined object names, and avoid reporting that default name to the user e.g. in error messages - removed cv-qualifier from exception name displayed for a logged exception (included by default since 1.16.0) - fixed syntax errors in ReflectCallHelper and RPCInvoker (which were ignored by gcc) - XMLDeserializer: adds more precise position info to 'Node ... is missing' exception - replaced BOOST_PP by variadic templates for most of the RPC implementation - parameter names for RPC signatures are explicitly stripped of const/reference qualifiers - BinaryDeserializer: improved error message on read failure - typeName() uses std::unordered_map for caching instead of std::map, minor performance gain - JSONSerializer: improved performance of serialization by avoiding unnecessary copys MIRAFramework-1.15.0: - Framework options: - restructured all commandline parameters for clearer presentation - removed deprecated parameter '--variables' - added '--exception-callstack-size' parameter - added noexcept declarations to all move constructors/move assign operators - fixed ambiguity when a channel's type has an own 'timestamp' member variable - unassigned channel warning message shows channel type - moved classes defined just for the purpose of testing to namespace mira::test - fixed exception handling in AuthorityService::getPropertyJSONBatch (RPC #builtin.getPropertyJSONBatch) - added AuthorityService::getPropertyJSONBatchExtended (RPC #builtin.getPropertyJSONBatchExtended), returning extended info on exceptions thrown during property query (if any) - RemoteAuthority employs getPropertyJSONBatchExtended to query remote properties, throws reproductions of remote exceptions to the local caller (if any) - DispatcherThread::Timer: for oneshot timers, isActive() returns false after running - added TapePlayer, TapeRecorder hidden threads to ThreadMonitor, made ProcessSpawnManager thread hidden - Authority::callService: replaced BOOST_PP by variadic templates - fixed occasional crash in MonitorConnectionTest - added lock fixing rare segfault on closing remote connection GUIFramework-1.12.0: - moved classes defined just for the purpose of testing to namespace mira::test GUIRichClientPlatform-1.12.0: - moved classes defined just for the purpose of testing to namespace mira::test GUIViews-1.12.0: - fixed a potential error when selecting the channel visualization after drag+drop GUIVisualization-1.12.0: - CameraOrbitTool(2D): fixed panning a rotated camera - MeshObject: fixed transparency (handling of alpha in color) - ChannelProperty: fixed infinite loop trying to read from empty channel GUIWidgets-1.12.0: - added support for editing int64/uint64 properties - fixed 'editing failed' warnings from PropertyEditor - string (and path) type editors only set property value after actual modification MIRA-1.0.3: - improved options presentation on 'mira --help' MIRACenter-1.10.3: - improved options presentation on 'miracenter --help' - added OGRE material scripts VertexColourAndLight, VertexColourTransparentAndLight MIRAPackage-1.6.0: - improved checkout dialog to simplify selecting install (project) paths when installing packages from different repositories - Bugfix in hidden option "--dependencygraph" - Packages in the dependency graph are now clustered into repositories - Hidden option "--dependencygraph" can now be used with argument "installed" - Added new options "--deinstallSequence", "--all-dependencies", "--all-dependents", "--pruned-dependencytree" and "--update" - Moved all input/output to PromptProviders - Commandline prompt provider is now nearly fully functional (export is still missing) - Added class MIRAPackageShell for handling of command line version of operations - Show the 'hidden' command line option in usage help MIRAtape-1.3.4: - also warn if a channel specified by 'channels_not' option does not exist in the input tape - added option "relative_timestamps" to write_json, write relative timestamps instead of the recorded timestamps CommonVisualization-1.4.3: - fixed syntax error in PoseVisualizationTextBase (which was ignored by gcc) - fixed decimal number display in FramePublisherView to match PropertyEditor