external-1.2.0: - Updated to eigen 3.4.0 MIRAenvironment-1.6.0: - Added some compiler and linker flags for hardening the MIRA binaries and shared libraries MIRABase-1.13.0: - enabled deg2rad/rad2deg for integral types (returning double value) - fixed use of placeholders (_1 etc.) in read_some (SyncTimedRead.h) with boost >= 1.74 - serialization: - added REFLECT_CTRLFLAG_MEMBER_AS_ROPROPERTY - made sure the compiler rejects a call of the form Reflector::member("M", m, "my member", {}) as ambiguous, instead of unambiguously matching member(name, member, comment, flags) (= no deserialization default, which seems surprising). Same for property() and similar variants. - fixed type ambiguity in RectBase::operator+() - improved documentation and error reporting for json::getElement()/getNumberElement(), added has[Number]Element()/get[Number]ElementIfExists() alternatives, added tests - improved rad2degGetter/deg2radSetter (simplified usage), added combined radAsDegAccessor, added tests - removed implicit conversion Angle (and related types) to float, to avoid semantical ambiguity - fixed MIRA_ABSTRACT_OBJECT for class templates with multiple template arguments and/or with typedef-names as template arguments - fixed incorrect/missing source information on replaced XML nodes and on deserialized XMLDom MIRAFramework-1.13.0: - ChannelSynchronizer: fixed default tolerance - fixed possible floating point exceptions in Benchmark Units' destructors - fixed possible node creation error on concurrent calls to FrameworkTransformer::addLink() GUIFramework-1.10.0: - QtUnit constructor is protected (just a base class, not meant to be instantiated) GUIVisualization-1.10.0: - adapted to MIRABase 1.13.0: updated rad2DegGetter/deg2RadSetter MIRACenter-1.10.0: - RPCConsole tab completion for quoted RPC parameters suggests filenames - AuthorityView: - fixed constant removal and re-insertion of tree elements due to wrong name indexing - fixed namespace/authority name clashes causing crash on authority removal - Configuration Editor: handle errors in unit config creation (including exceptions from create+destroy) MIRAPackage-1.5.1: - GitLab: fixed package assignment, when multiple GitLab repositories are configured - fixed parsing of empty package file command parameters (e.g. MIRA_TAGS("")) - GitLab: removed leading slash from repository subpath after indexing MIRAtape-1.3.3: - fixed broken channel selection for 'transcode' command - added '--overwrite' option for writeJSON CommonVisualization-1.4.1: - adapted to MIRABase 1.13.0: conversion Angle to float must be explicit Localization-1.2.0: - added missing include geometry/Point.h to ILocalization.h Navigation-1.2.0: - updated documentation - OrientationTask member tolerance, RotateTask member speed, PathFollowTask member goalOrientationTask: types are float, not Angle (serialization unchanged) PlotVisualization-1.5.0: - added support for qwt 6.2 RigidModel-1.10.0: - fixed possible OGRE crash with PointedArrowMarker of length 0 - RigidModelVisualization: added properties to optionally override material color RobotDataTypes-1.3.0: - use type float instead of Angle for velocity/acceleration properties in robot model (keep using degrees as unit for serialized values) - adapted to MIRABase 1.13.0: conversion Angle to float must be explicit - DriveView: fixed initialization of bumper channel