MIRAenvironment-0.20.2: - Updated to JSON Spirit 4.08 MIRABase-0.41.0: - restore filePath variable in XMLDomPreprocessor on backtracking - json::write has parameter to control precision for floating point number output (default precision changed from 17 to 3 [and removing trailing zeros]) - ExtensibleEnum optionally can define a string id with each value - Added compilation and linking support for examples with OpenCV version >= 3 MIRABase-0.42.0: - precision for EigenMatrix XML serialization increased to 17 digits - Reworked StripedStorage, now offers StripedStorageXML and StripedStorageBinary (using different serialization backends). Limited the scope of the data template type to the store/retrieve methods, this way StripedStorage objects can easily be stored in containers despite storing different data types. - findFiles can no longer return multiple entries for the same path, all returned paths are unique (as determined by operator== of boost::path). - Made compatible with OpenCV 3.3 MIRAFramework-0.39.1: - TapeRecorder: Fixed handling of flag avoidDataLoss gui-0.36.0: - Added control for precision of floating point number display in Text/Text Trace visualizations - Added control for precision of floating point number display in Text View/Text Trace View - STLMeshLoader: Fixed exception when converting a STL file to Ogre mesh by using toolbox Assimp. - Visualizations set the new source channel ID as their name when it is changed - Visualization3DView: Using correct width and height to determine camera aspect ratio (shouldn't include the RCP title or toolbar heights). - VisualizationView provides a virtual interface saveContentToFile(Path) to save the content to a file, which is registered to keyboard shortcut CTRL+P. - Implemented saveContentToFile(Path) for Visualiation3DView and Visualization2DView. - Added workaround for OGRE bug: Ogre::SimpleRenderable ignores a set render queue priority - enumeration property combobox (using PropertyHints::enumeration) now working for string property again - PropertyEditor spinbox smartscroll observes minimum/maximum from property hints - PropertyEditor::Delegates can provide a name for their property, which is displayed in the PropertyEditor instead of the PropertyNode's name - VisualizationPropertyDelegate registers as a name delegate returning the current visualization name gui-0.37.0: - TapeRecorderWidget: Store avoidDataLoss flag in recorder configuration. - TapeRecorderWidget: Update stats once more after stopping the record to show the right number of recorded messages. - enable controlling order of visualizations in Text, Text Trace, 2D, 3D views - VisualizationView: saveContent via CTRL+P now uses PNG as default if no image file extension is given. - enable controlling order of visualizations in Text, Text Trace, 2D, 3D views - Implemented messy vertical flip of coordinate system in Visualization2DView and Visualization2DContainer in a cleaner way. - enable controlling order of properties in PropertyEditor CommonVisualization-0.17.4: - Pose text visualization now also respects the view's Precision property - Added 3D visualization for vectors and lists of rectangles (Rect2i, Rect2f, Rect2d). - FramePublisherView checks channel existence instead of just subscribing (thus creating) the input CommonVisualization-0.18.0: - Added 2D visualization for vectors of double based 2D RigidTransforms. - Adapted 2D visualizations after change to coordinate system in GUIVisualization 0.37. - Adapted visualizations to GUIVisualization 0.37. GraphVisualization-0.11.0: - Adapted visualizations to GUIVisualization 0.37 Navigation-0.27.0: - KeepDistanceTask extended by a separate criticalDistance - fixes TaskVisualization: avoid showing unintialized objects for empty task, draw correctly (continuously update) with dynamic camera frame PlotVisualization-0.20.0: - PlotView grid is represented by an own visualization (user editable) - Added properties LineStyle and LineWidth to curve visualizations - JSON-based visualization names follow the curve title when the displayed member is changed PlotVisualization-0.21.0: - Adapted views/visualizations to GUIViews/GUIVisualization 0.37 RigidModel-0.18.0: - Adapted visualizations to GUIVisualization 0.37. - Adapted 2D visualizations after change to coordinate system in GUIVisualization 0.37. RobotDataTypes-0.22.1: - Adapted 2D visualizations after change to coordinate system in GUIVisualization 0.37. miracenter-0.21.0: - improved Transform Tree View: (selectively) show covariance, searchable, persistence, better layout miracenter-0.21.1: - TransformTreeView: better layout for covariance display