The Core Framework

For detailed information see Framework. More...


class  AbstractAuthority
 This is the abstract base class of local and remote authority classes. More...
class  AbstractChannel
class  AbstractChannelSubscriber
class  Authority
 Authorities act as a facade to the framework. More...
class  AuthorityDescription
 This is the descriptive part of an authority. More...
class  SharedAuthority
 A wrapper providing locked/shared access to an AbstractAuthority pointer (used by AuthorityManager::getAuthority()) The lifetime of the AbstractAuthority object the pointer points to is ensured as long as one wrapper instance exists that wraps the same AbstractAuthority pointer. More...
struct  PropertyQueryResult
 A structure used for returning the complete result of a (remote) property query, including potential info about a thrown exception. More...
class  AuthorityManager
 Central instance that stores all created Authorities. More...
class  IAuthorityProvider
 Abstract interface for classes that can provide an authority via the getAuthority() method. More...
class  AuthorityRuntime
 This class contains threading functionality that can be shared among different authorities so that all of them use the same thread (dispatcher thread). More...
class  Channel< T >
 An exception that occurs whenever a channel has no data. More...
class  ChannelManager
 An exception that occurred whenever a channel does not exist. More...
class  ChannelReadInterval< T >
 An object that allows read access to a whole interval of channel data. More...
class  ChannelRead< T >
 An object that allows read access to data of a channel. More...
class  ChannelWrite< T >
 An object that allows exclusive write access to data of a channel. More...
class  ChannelSubscriber< T, ChannelRead >
 Implements AbstractChannelSubscriber for a concrete data type. More...
class  DispatcherThread
 Class that can be used whenever you want to have ONE thread where several handlers are assigned to. More...
class  ErrorService
 Class that allows to store errors persistently in a SQLite database. More...
class  Framework
 This class represents the core element of a modular application. More...
class  MicroUnit
 Units are basic modules of a complex application. More...
class  Tape
 A tape is a binary file that contains recorded/serialized data of one or multiple channels. More...
class  TapePlayer
 Class for playing back tape files. More...
class  TapeRecorder
 Class for recording channel data to tape. More...
class  TapeVisitor
 Visitor class to inspect tapes by channels and/or time interval. More...
class  Unit
 A more complex unit that adds a default timer to the thread dispatcher of the authority that acts as a worker thread (process()). More...
class  UnitManager
 Class managing micro units and units. More...

Detailed Description

For detailed information see Framework.